Monday, September 6, 2010

Pangaea. Fact or Fiction?

I wanted to start this introduction by saying a few things. It's been quite a while since I have chosen to write a blog here so I just decided to do one on Pangaea. I will try to remain unbiased in the intro but I do have many words to say about my opinion on the theory. When people think about Pangaea, they often thing along the lines of uniformitarianism, giving them the outcome of millions of years. Others choose to deny the theory of Pangaea altogether, and yet others believe in Pangaea, but also in a God who created the universe six thousand years ago.
One might say, "How can such a process take only six thousand years to complete??". Well, it's a process that narrows down into less than two years according to the Bible. Nowhere near six thousand.
I was reading in the book of Genesis a few days ago and I just tried to focus hard on the first chapter. It talks about the creation in the first day, then the second day, but after that (verse 9) something hit me. Genesis 1:9 says,

Then God said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear"; and it was so.

...let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into ONE place. This is what caused me to look back over it. If God gathered the water into one place, then wouldn't that mean that God brought up dry land into one place? Pangaea is a theory separate from Evolution, so I tried to find more evidence that maybe God and Pangaea are not opposites after all.
A few chapters later in the book of Genesis, Noah is commanded to build an ark from gopherwood, covered inside and out with pitch. The Bible doesn't say how long it took Noah to build the ark, but my opinion is that Noah entered it not long after it had been finished. Which would have been about one hundred years after he started building it.
In Chapter 6 of Genesis God says that He will bring all of the animals to Noah. Which begs the question, "How?". Well God is God and I won't begin to doubt His power, but I am one to believe that in this instance, God had the earth created in such a way so that this event, would be "possible". I use quotations because God does not need anything to be in His favor for His will to be done. God has the power to instantly bring the continents together if that was His decision. My point is, impossibilities do not limit God's power.
After God brought the animals to the ark, in my opinion, the flood waters came with such force that it tore the surface of the earth apart. That is why we see sections of earth miles and miles wide, flipped completely upside down. The most powerful force known to man on this planet is the force of water. Water can slice through solid rock, it can dig caverns, it's power is seemingly limitless.
When Noah got off of the ark, the animals were to populate the, now geographically changed earth. This poses many questions when you think that oceans now separate each continent by thousands of miles. If you look at the ocean floor, there are huge land bridges that just happen to span the distance to each continent. There are different theories of how God may have gotten the animals across those land bridges. One is that God caused the waters to recede below the land bridges so that the animals could cross. Then, He brought the water back up when they had all finished the journey. Another is that localized ice ages sucked enough of the volume of water so that the animals were able to cross.
Some people believe that the shift of land happened after the great dispersal, then God separated the people groups. This is also plausible I believe.
There is only one true theory, I cannot say which one is true, because the fact is... I don't know. I believe that Pangaea occurred through God's will. But we will only know when we are able to ask God Himself.

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