Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Small Debate Post

Hello everyone, I had started talking to someone again on youtube who sent me a message saying that God is not real, prove me wrong. So I messaged him and asked him a few questions, first of all why he had attacked my beliefs offensively as he had said other things. But I started a small debate with him and gained his respect (in conversation only I think) and so we messaged back and forth, this is one that I did some research for and I thought it would be good to put here on my blog. I hope you enjoy reading it, I took about an hour to bring it all together, so let me know what you think. Thanks!

Christianity (not in belief, but using the Bible as a source) does not condemn namely, it condemns all of us to an eternity in Hell. That may sound like an unreasonable thing. The answer is absolutely not. God did not create Hell to punish us at all, He created Hell to punish those who revolt against Him. God knew that Satan would try to take the top spot, assassinate the King to assume His role so to speak. Hell was to punish Satan and the angels that followed Him (better known as demons). God made the law that if anyone were to revolt against Him, then they were going to Hell, so that law didn't stop at Satan and the demons. Once man sinned (God knew they would) God said Ok, don't worry, I'm coming down. And God did come down and create a way for us to be saved from the punishment that we ourselves condemned ourselves to. It is not God's choice to send us there, we chose through our actions the place that we will end up. We all deserve an eternity in Hell as soon as we sin (anything that goes against God's law). We came into this world a sinful being, we rose up to sin, it cannot be helped because man in nature loves the darkness, he hates to be in the light lest his bad deeds will be found out. This is man, this is all of us.
The Bible is like no other book written in the world, ever. The Bible was written by 40 different authors as they were lead by the Holy Spirit to do so, the original scrolls that were written making up the Holy Bible, contained 3 different languages, (not written in 3 different language as if the whole Bible were written in those languages) parts of this original were Greek, other parts were Hebrew, and some of them were Aramaic. Not only that but it was written on 3 different continents. Even with all of this, I am not finished. The Bible was written over a the course of 1,500 years. One Thousand, five-hundred years. That is more than 30 generations. Most of the authors did not even have access to any other part of the Bible. We can prove this because the other parts of the Bible, being on other continents, being in different languages, and possibly not even written yet. Most of the scribes of the Bible were nobodies. King David was a shepherd when he became a king, he was not an educated man. These people who we know to have written the original scrolls that even historians do not deny, were not scholars and there is no way that they would have known the other 2 languages that the Bible had been or will be written in. Even after all of this I am not finished. So far we have: The Bible was written by 40 different authors, in 3 different languages, on 3 different continents, over the course of 1500 years, and here is the last part. All of those things are true, and yet the Bible fits together perfectly. Sure you can tell that there were different authors due to the writing style that each book contains. Each author has their own unique writing style. We can also prove that the Bible has not been edited or changed from the original scrolls because there are STILL some that have survived time. The book of Isaiah has survived.

Here is something to support that the Bible is reliable and consistent with the original scrolls written for it:

I think you see that well. Anyhow, not only all of what I said above, but the archaeology has been used to try to destroy the possibility plausibility of the Bible, yet when the Bible was used for archaeology, they found ancient civilizations using the Bible alone that they never would have guessed had existed. In the Bible there is a story including Lot and his wife. Lot is basically begging the Lord to spare the two cities if Lot would find a certain amount of righteous people within the two cities. The number he had to find was 10, only 10 people who were righteous. He could not find even 10, so the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (the two city's names) with fire and brimstone. When searching out the exact location of these cities, they have found them, not only this, but they have found that, surrounding each city, is a perfect circle of glass, charred ground, and sulfur pellets EVERYWHERE. Because the cities were located in a sandy area, that explains the glass, when the fire hit the sand, it became glass, also, the "fire" that the verse talks about explains the charred ground. Not only this, but they can PROVE that the two cities were burned from the top, down. Through archaeology, they saw that the destruction was about 3 feet thick in the ground, and that both of the cities were destroyed at the exact same time. I quote to back up what I said before. "Archaeologists found that buildings used to bury the dead were burned by a fire that started on the roof."
Also one more thing, the "fire and brimstone" talked about in that verse... we found the evidence for the fire, though we have yet to find the brimstone. What is brimstone? Sulfur is the modern name for brimstone that which they were talking about in the verse. Like I said before, there were millions of sulfur pellets everywhere. Archaeologists found them every few inches, they were everywhere. When they took it to a lab to test its concentration. Sulfur in it's normal form is 40-45% pure. This sulfur was 98% pure sulfur with a trace of magnesium. Not only that, this is the only place on earth were sulfur of that consistency exists. Thats a fact. This is just one of many examples of the truth in the Bible... not only this but impossible truths that could not have been known... unless, someone who did, stepped in and revealed the truth to people who wrote it down. Who I like to call, God.

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