Sunday, July 26, 2009


Hello Once Again,

I almost forgot to tell you about me going paintball last Friday night. It was amazing. The new field that we made is pretty much awesome. It was funny though I thought because I didn't really do much the whole day, and our team was like dominating. We played 4 games total, I was on that team for 3 of those 4 games. We won all 3. Then I was switched to the other team. I must be like a good luck charm cause when I switched teams, the team I switched to dominated completely. In that game I did get the winning kill though so that was exciting. There was about 18 of us there total (give or take a couple people). Maybe next time I will get a few more kills. The last shot was pretty nice though because I shot one paintball, it went right through the little crack I could see him behind, and it hit him pretty good too. Sorry, I just can't get over how awesome that shot was... of mine... haha, I'm just kidding. Anyways. That was a great day, I had lots of fun. See you all later...

Oh and by the way, I wrote this I guess to make up for the lost days that I wasn't on and updating! Hope you enjoy reading them.

Music Update

Hello There,

Haven't been on here for a couple of days so I thought I'd update you on some stuff, and the topic happens to be my music.
I have been working on quite a few compositions lately and they have all been going pretty smoothly, the only thing is, I have 10 of them going at once, which really makes things hard. Especially when you are doing at most, 3 instruments (including vocals into the instrument list) Most of them do not have vocals, yet I hope to write some for each song. It's a difficult task but I'm up to it. I have been working on 2 mostly, one is entitled 'Blinded', and the other is titled 'I Believe' of course you do know the apostrophe is not a part of the title lol... right?
Anyways thats the most of what I have going on right now. So I guess I'll leave you with that. Thanks for reading, take care. See you next time.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Hello there, I'm pretty excited about this week. I have another tennis tournament tomorrow morning which are always a lot of fun. I will also be going to play paintball this friday at our field which is always a blast, and when I say blast I mean BLAST! Coming up in late August I will be taking my first flight and first journey to California, The Golden State. We'll see if it lives up to it's nick name. I hope it does.

I've never flown in an airplane before but I hear something that gets most people is the jet lag. I don't think I'll have much problem with this however because it's only a 3 hour difference. However people who come from the other side of the world must have crazy jet lag. I can't imagine. Hope everything goes well and I have a great first flight experience. I can't wait!

Those of you who keep in touch with me probably know that I write songs. Most of which are on youtube. At the moment I have 5 of them located there. I am also working on what I see as 5 more compositions. Though they differ in the fact that some will contain vocals of yours truly. As I mentioned before I also love to sing. I am in the middle of what I see as a "Hit" song... haha as in Hit, I mean that I like it a lot. I would love to get it copyrighted though before I put it up on youtube. So that may take me some time. I would like to put together an album of my first 10-12 songs and possibly copyright the whole thing instead of copyrighting each individually which is much more expensive. Though at the same time I am kinda anxious to get it out there. I don't know what exactly I'm going to do yet. I guess I'll have to work on my song some more, and then figure it all out. Head on over to my youtube channel to see live (live = me playing it and never edited) original compositions.

Until next time...

Monday, July 20, 2009

First Entry

The First Entry!

Hey everyone I figured I'd start a blog just because. No real reason but I thought it'd be fun. Anyways, I guess I'll start off by saying that I'm a musician. I play the Piano, Guitar, and I also sing. I am a songwriter as well and I have quite a few of my original compositions on which I'm sure you all have heard of. I will post a link and try to embed my videos here if at all possible.

The last few weeks have been really busy and I'm sure you all know how busy life can be sometimes. I play tennis quite a bit and that takes up the majority of my time per day. Especially if you add piano lessons and church and youth group activities to the pile of things that I have to do. That makes it add up and fills my day up usually. I am still writing music if you all are wondering why I haven't posted a video to youtube in a little while. I should be posting more as soon as I can.

Until next time... see you all later.