I almost forgot to tell you about me going paintball last Friday night. It was amazing. The new field that we made is pretty much awesome. It was funny though I thought because I didn't really do much the whole day, and our team was like dominating. We played 4 games total, I was on that team for 3 of those 4 games. We won all 3. Then I was switched to the other team. I must be like a good luck charm cause when I switched teams, the team I switched to dominated completely. In that game I did get the winning kill though so that was exciting. There was about 18 of us there total (give or take a couple people). Maybe next time I will get a few more kills. The last shot was pretty nice though because I shot one paintball, it went right through the little crack I could see him behind, and it hit him pretty good too. Sorry, I just can't get over how awesome that shot was... of mine... haha, I'm just kidding. Anyways. That was a great day, I had lots of fun. See you all later...
Oh and by the way, I wrote this I guess to make up for the lost days that I wasn't on and updating! Hope you enjoy reading them.