Thursday, October 15, 2009


So, you may have noticed that this is my first post in quite a while.... I'm sorry about that. I had actually forgotten I even had a blog until a few weeks ago and then again until today. I'm going to update you all (even though all 3 of my followers are completely aware of most of this stuff).
About a month and a half ago, I went with my family on vacation to California, there we got to do a bunch of cool stuff including: Visiting with our cousins, exploring LA, going to Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks, driving to San Francisco, touring Alcatraz, then going to Hearst Castle, and back down the coast to spend the last week with our cousins again. In that last week we went to a bunch of car museums, a plane 'museum', Warner Bros. Studio where we got to see the sets for many shows and movies. Also where we met the star of the tv show "Chuck". We arrived back in PA on the 10th of September from that trip.
Up until this past week I was doing nothing really but school, work, and play. (Gotta love playing) Anyways.... On the 6th of this month (October), I had the privilege to go to Washington state with a friend of mine to visit with his cousins and our friends. That was the best week of my entire life. We stayed with his cousins at their house for the time we were there and I easily made friends with their whole family, all 9 of them (if you can include the baby). I had never met any of them in my life actually for real, but somehow I felt like I had known them all for quite some time. I was also able to meet a friend who's friendship started out as a couple messages on youtube, then continued to Facebook, and I was able to meet her for real in Washington, along with her sister and family. It was a miracle at the least, and a great blessing. We got back from Washington on the 13th.
Anyways... I have got to move on now. I have a big week ahead of me which I will have to talk about some other time. Take care all.

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