Saturday, October 17, 2009


Hello, I figured I'd do something a little different and maybe tell about some things that I realized when I was on vacation in California. God really used that vacation to expand my knowledge in the area of standing up for creation and showing other people how evolution is not the answer.
It all started when we went to Sequoia National Park... just inside the park is the main office. Within those walls I read about stuff that had been scientifically tested and proven. The main part that sent me running for a piece of paper and pencil was the fact that these trees CANNOT grow unless the elevation is between 5,000 and 7,500 feet. This is because anywhere below 5,000 feet there is too warm, and anywhere above 7,500 feet is too dry. The conditions must be perfect in order for them to survive. If you look at just that you say... that doesn't really mean anything, so I'll get to that in a second. I've been in a few arguments with evolutionists where I have told them that there is worldwide evidence for a worldwide flood. This lies in the fact that there are marine fossils all over the earth, even on the highest mountaintops. I found this interesting because they would always refute that by saying that all mountains started from underwater anyways and over millions of years they grew to what they are now. Well... even though this isn't a part of my argument against them, they failed to account for the marine fossils on mountains that were formed by erosion. I won't go there though.
So the Sequoia trees can only grow between 5,000 and 7,500 feet because it is the only growing environment. Another cool thing I found out is that these trees could not have existed over 5,000 years ago because of environmental differences. They require perfect climate and otherwise perfect growing conditions, or they cannot grow. Disregarding the 5,000 year limit, it would prove that either the mountains would have to have been there forever in order for even the existence of these trees. Either this or they would say that these trees evolved at just the right time so that they could grow at the climate they are at right now. If they were to say this then proving plant evolution wrong is not such a hard feat. Flowering plants (according to evolutionists) evolved into existence about 370 million years ago. Bees on the other hand are millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of years different. We all know that without bees, flowers cannot survive because there is nothing to transport the pollen, and vise versa. So there is no possible way that the trees evolved, they just require so many things for existence that evolution would completely deny them.
If they go the other way and say that those mountains would have had to have been there forever. You can easily go right back to the marine fossils. If there are marine fossils everywhere on the face of the earth, and they are saying that the mountains were always that high, do the two contradict? Not necessarily... what do we know happened about 5,000 years ago due to the earth being filled with wickedness? God told Noah that there would be a flood, and it would destroy all of mankind... but Noah and his family were spared. What do we know about the earth before the flood? The Bible tells us that God divided the waters and put one part in the heavens, and the other part under the firmament. We also know that the description of the flood tells us that water came down from the sky, and the deep opened up and water gushed forth. If there was a layer of water in the sky, it would create a perfect greenhouse for all plant life, thus solving the problem of the Sequoia trees not being able to live over 5,000 years ago. It was during the flood where the plate tectonics rose mountains. Earth was moved and torn up and deposited different places. In quick reference to that point, evolutionists use rock layers quite a bit to show how old the earth is. They've actually found sections of the earth where for miles around, the rock layers are completely upside down. Which proves a massive upheaval of earth. What do we know as the most powerful substance on the earth. It is water. Water tears through rock like a warm knife through butter. I think you get the point.
The mountains could have easily been risen in a month, which is how long we know the water came down from the sky and up from the ground. After the flood, that greenhouse created by the layer of water in the sky was gone... and the mountains created by the flood, then became the only place where these trees could survive. Thus proving the flood as described by the Bible to be correct, as well as the fact that mountains do not take millions and millions of years to arise. I'm sure it could prove scads of other things wrong as well but I won't get into all of that at this time.
Evolution was created as a means to ignore God's guidance. We live in a world that lives for themselves, a world that wants to do what they want to do. If they knew that there was a God, or believed in God, they would be forced to be accountable for their actions. That is the last thing they want. So they run from the truth... or are taught lies from their childhood to where those lies are embedded eternally in their head on this earth. Why do we have religions today? The simple answer is that people know they are missing something, religions arise due to people in search of that something. God is what they search for... but they just don't know it yet. Will you help them find what they are looking for? We are commanded by God to spread His word. We can best do this by being like God, by showing His abundant love... causing people to see that we are different, and that we have something, and to want what we have.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this, it is definitely something I wanted to share with everyone, no matter how many people will read this... whether it is just 1, or 10, or any number... it will have all been worth it. Hope you all have a great day. Until next time... I'll see you later.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


So, you may have noticed that this is my first post in quite a while.... I'm sorry about that. I had actually forgotten I even had a blog until a few weeks ago and then again until today. I'm going to update you all (even though all 3 of my followers are completely aware of most of this stuff).
About a month and a half ago, I went with my family on vacation to California, there we got to do a bunch of cool stuff including: Visiting with our cousins, exploring LA, going to Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks, driving to San Francisco, touring Alcatraz, then going to Hearst Castle, and back down the coast to spend the last week with our cousins again. In that last week we went to a bunch of car museums, a plane 'museum', Warner Bros. Studio where we got to see the sets for many shows and movies. Also where we met the star of the tv show "Chuck". We arrived back in PA on the 10th of September from that trip.
Up until this past week I was doing nothing really but school, work, and play. (Gotta love playing) Anyways.... On the 6th of this month (October), I had the privilege to go to Washington state with a friend of mine to visit with his cousins and our friends. That was the best week of my entire life. We stayed with his cousins at their house for the time we were there and I easily made friends with their whole family, all 9 of them (if you can include the baby). I had never met any of them in my life actually for real, but somehow I felt like I had known them all for quite some time. I was also able to meet a friend who's friendship started out as a couple messages on youtube, then continued to Facebook, and I was able to meet her for real in Washington, along with her sister and family. It was a miracle at the least, and a great blessing. We got back from Washington on the 13th.
Anyways... I have got to move on now. I have a big week ahead of me which I will have to talk about some other time. Take care all.